Fine Solutions for Cleaning Your Drains Now

Blocked Drains Kent

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Unblocking a pipe is often necessary when a mass of hair, hairs and food debris agglomerated with often a little soap blocks the free passage of water. Evacuation of the latter then becomes difficult or even impossible. Here are some tips and advice from our Blocked Drains Kent professional plumbers to unclog your pipes. Your tub, shower, sink or sink can become blocked and therefore almost unusable. Different techniques can be used to get rid of this annoying plug:

Remove the siphon

The first solution is to remove the siphon and clean it of the impurities that have accumulated over time. Don’t forget to have a container, ideally a basin, below so that the waste does not fall directly on the floor or in your furniture.

Blocked Drains Kent

Use hot water

Another possibility is to use hot or even boiling water to unclog your pipes. It is a relatively simple method but not necessarily always effective. Very hot water will dilute the soap and grease and wash them away. Remember to evacuate the stagnant water as much as possible so that the hot water is in direct contact with the stopper, in order to guarantee better efficiency.

Use the suction cup

If there really is too much water stagnating and no way to get it out, the suction cup is your best ally. This tool allows the water to move back and forth and thus unblock what blocks the proper circulation of the water. Plug the alternative drains beforehand such as for example the anti-overflow drains if there are any and proceed to unclogging.

Using the ferret

The next solution is more radical: it is the famous ferret. A flexible rod with points to pierce the plugs and equipped with a crank to allow you to pass baffles and elbows. Note that the ferret can sometimes damage your toilet enamel.

High pressure cleaning

Finally, if none of these techniques have worked, we must take out the big guns: namely a professional high pressure cleaning. You will need to use a plumbing company offering an unblocking service and in particular an adapted vehicle. With the right equipment, it is possible to clean long pipes and remove plugs made of scale or limestone which are generally more resistant.

Chemical products

As a last resort, chemical unblocking is essential even if it must be taken with caution. Protect yourself with gloves and goggles to avoid squirting. Chemical un-blockers are very dangerous and made from caustic soda or sulfuric acid, both of which are very corrosive.

Other techniques

You can use soda or make a homemade mixture such as soda, salt and vinegar that you leave to act for about 30 minutes. You can also try mixing baking soda and vinegar and leaving it on before pouring in a good dose of boiling water for good measure. This technique is effective for unclogging your pipes.

Be preventive

Also think about prevention, before you find yourself with a blocked pipe, putting a simple grid over the hole in the sink allows most of the waste to be retained and prevents it from entering your pipes. Regarding your toilet, only throw toilet paper and nothing else.