The new way to communicate with inmates: Text Inmate

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With technology advancing rapidly, it has changed the way we use to communicate. Talking or meeting face-to-face is no longer the only way to stay in touch. You can now communicate with inmates using a text based system, known as Text Inmate. This new service is easy and reliable, and allows you to send messages to inmates without worrying about your safety or privacy.

What is Text Inmate?

Text Inmate is an online service that enables users to send written texts to inmates securely and easily. It eliminates the need for visitors to physically check in and talk to inmates in detention centers. Instead, they can send their message through the internet, which is quicker and more secure.

The idea of text inmate started when an inmate’s father wanted his son to be able to communicate with him despite being far away. After months of hard work, he created a text messaging service for inmates that would enable them to chat with family and friends outside of prison walls.

How does Text Inmate work?

When you sign up for Text Inmate, you will be sent a username and password. Once you log in, you can start sending private messages to any inmate registered on the service. To send a message, simply enter the inmate’s name, inmate ID number, and message. The message will then be encrypted and sent securely to the inmate.

Once the inmate receives the message, they will have the option to reply back. All communication is monitored by the Text Inmate team to ensure the safety of both the sender and recipient.

The Benefits of Text Inmate

Using Text Inmate offers several advantages over traditional methods of communication with inmates. First, it is much easier and convenient than visiting the prison in person or having to call the prison regularly. Plus, it is much more secure since all messages are encrypted and monitored.

In addition, Text Inmate also provides a much more cost effective solution to keep in touch with inmates than regular phone calls or visits. With Text Inmate, you pay one low fixed fee for unlimited messages.

Finally, Text Inmate also helps to alleviate many of the emotional stress associated with staying in touch with an inmate. The process of sending a message is simple and secure, which gives you greater peace of mind knowing that your message is being delivered safely.

Final Thoughts

Text Inmate is a revolutionary way to stay in touch with inmates. It is a safe, secure, and cost-effective alternative to traditional methods of communication with inmates. It provides added convenience, security, and peace of mind for those looking to keep in touch with loved ones behind bars. Whether you are trying to stay connected with an inmate, or trying to support and encourage them in tough times, Text Inmate is a great option.

Texting inmates has become a popular way to stay in touch with those in correctional facilities and jail. By texting an inmate, individuals can send and receive off-site messages and keep in contact with those incarcerated. Through securely encrypted messaging, those outside of prison can communicate with convicted persons and communicate relevant information. One of the main benefits of text inmate services is that individuals are able to stay connected to family members and important loved ones. Texting services are also great for sending important reminders and notifications for people to remember in prison. Overall, many receive comfort in knowing that a convenient way of communication is available 24/7 and that individuals are able to stay in contact with loved ones in a safe and secure way.